Introduction to Salisbury LETS
About Salisbury LETS
Local Exchange Trading Schemes (LETS) are a way of trading
skills, services and goods without using conventional money. Under the
LETSystem you could, for example, help one member with their computer,
then use the amount you agree on in your local unit of exchange to have
your grass cut by someone else. No direct swap is necessary. In monetary
terms, the LETSystem is like a sophisticated form of barter. It offers
free credit! It has to.
Salisburys LETSystem began in 1993 as a paper-based
system, and went online in 2012.
Salisbury is in Wiltshire, England, UK and our currency is called Ebbles.

Our little economy grows according to the goods and
services we share locally - rather than how much we consume.
This encourages sustainability, and the wealth created by trading within
the local community stays within the community. There is no need to worry
about Treasury policies, sinking pounds, interest rates or overdrafts.
However, the overall aim aim of the scheme is to develop reciprocity and
mutual support.
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Form - for further information see:
How LETS Works
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| Constitution | Agreement
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